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Frequently Asked Questions

The grade levels listed next to the class is a recommended level and 80% of the existing students fall into that range. If your child is new to Cool Math we recommend you sign up a lower class, e.g. a 4th grader will enter 3-4th class instead of 4-5th class.
Yes and that is not uncommon. If your child is over/underchallenged in the existing class we will be happy to move him/her to the previous/next level.
Yes, your child can try one class before committing to it. If you decide to not continue you don't need to pay anything. But if you decide to continue, you will also be charged tuition of the trial class.
Our classes are continuous and year round, so the earlier to join the better. We arrange the classes by sessions (10 weeks each) for the convenience of tuition payment only.
Prorated tuition is only applied to new students who joins in the middle of a session.
No. We understand many children are overcommitted in many other activities nowadays and it is inevitable to miss the class occasionally. However the seat is already reserved for your child. We will be happy to record the lesson (for online classes). Please let the teacher know ahead of time.
Yes. After you registered we will send you the book list. You can purchased online like on Amazon. Some classes require one book, others two books. A book may be used for one or two years. The cost of a book ranges ~$25-45. Occasionally, old students may sell their used books at a cheaper price, feel free to let us know if you are interested and we can ask around for you.
Yes. On top of textbooks we also provide other online materials, worksheets and contest practices. Students in online classes are recommended to print out at home.
Yes. All students 2-8th grades will take the Noetic contests twice a year (Nov and Apr) and 4-8th grades will take Math Olympiads 5 times a year (Nov-Mar). You will pay the one time test fee when you first register. Check here for the details. We also host other competitions like AMC (Jan in person), Math Kangaroo (Mar in person) and Purple Comet (group test, Apr), these are optional and we will send invitation to all when it is near. Students will take Noetic and MO in class so no need to schedule a separate time. For the other optional contests, a separate date/time will be scheduled.
Yes. We are big believers of homework. Homework will help students reprocess, apply and extend what they learned in class. The amount of homework is about 1-1.5 hours per week. It is always due before the next class unless otherwise stated. Homework will be uploaded to a shared drive so the teacher can review it. We ask the parents to keep track of your child's homework submission. The first 20-30 minutes of each class is dedicated to homework discussion, so if a student didn't do the homework the discussion time will become meaningless to them.
All students and parents will be given a link to a spreadsheet (called the rainbow file) which lists the week to week lesson plan and homework assignment. The file also has links to other needed materials and shared drive to access class notes and submit homework. This file is our major mean of communication.
We enjoy speaking with parents to help your child succeed in the program. Many parents communicated with us by text, email or calls. Please do not hesitate to reach out!
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